HOLL Consulting is a company specialized in OrgCharts.
Using the New OrgPublisher Web App, a WEB BASED Org Charting software, we create different organization charts
for your company, with independent views and user access. It does not require a browser plug-in for a secure browsing experience, and it reduces the maintenance effort for IT.
In HOLL Consulting we are used to work with a partner ecosystem such as Oracle Human Capital Management,
SAP HCM, SAP SuccesFactors, NEXUS Group, Meta4, Workday Inc., Ultimate Software, Peoplesoft HCM and more.
OrgPublisher Web App is a new version for clients currently using OrgPublisher versions
prior to 11.16 or new customers.
Visibility + Velocity = Value

See your whole workforce on one screen. Every office. Every department. Every team.
Sorted and color coded the way you want, so you can get the data that’s most important to you. Any time.

Want to know where your skill gaps are?
Curious about your part-time staff?
An enterprise is a living, changing thing. What you know today will change tomorrow. OrgPublisher lets you see your workforce in real time. Any way you want.

An organizational chart can be more than something to look at. It can tell you things. See and understand your workforce in real time and living color.

Make informed decisiones based on your results! Wether it is recruitment, performance, compensation, or succesion, Orgcharting lets you visualize all the information you need to know in advance.

Sale of Licenses
- New Licenses
- Additional Licenses
- Upgrade Licenses
- License reinstatement
- Ad Hoc Training
- Project Training – End Users – IT Key Users – HCM Key Users
- New Release Training
- Upgrade Training
Support and Maintenance
- Customers under Suport and Maintenance Agreement: 24/7
- Middle East: special support Sunday to Thursday
- Customers Comunity Portal
- Advice about new Releases
- Advice about best practices
Profesional Services
- Implementation
- Integration with SAP : OPSAP connector
- Integration with Oracle: ODBC connector
- Integration with PeopleSoft: ODBC connector
- Integration with SAP Success Factors: Additional Data Source - ODBC connector
- POC: Proof Of Concepts
- Release Information
- Release Documentation
- Do the Upgrade
- Support the Upgrade
- Upgrade OPSAP connector
- Upgrade Oracle/PeopleSoft ODBC connector
- Upgrade SAP Success Factors Additional Data Source - ODBC connect
OrgPublisher helps you centralize the creation of organizational charts using existing HR data.
OrgPublisher enables you to build charts for different audiences for different reasons.
Oftentimes, access to some chart data must be restricted for some users, while available to other users.
OrgPublisher helps you control who accesses what information. In addition, OrgPublisher allows you to schedule the publishing of charts at a frequency that answers your accurate communication needs for HR data and the company hierarchy.
OrgPublisher HTML5 is the latest technology standard that allows web pages to look and behave the same on different browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge and IE11. It requires no browser plug-ins which allows for a more secure browsing experience as well as reducing the maintenance effort for IT.
Capitalize on your HR data by graphically displaying reporting relationships already stored.
Automate changes to org charts to reflect changes made in the HR database and/or various other data sources –multiple chart options available.
Distribute charts to your end users, encouraging self-service and providing access to up-to-date information.